The Perfect Medicine

Perfect Medicine

I went to confession the other day and was given penance of saying the prayer for priestly vocations. I was inspired to share and I’m Including it below.


Father, in every generation you provide ministers of Christ and the Church. We come before you now, asking that you call forth more men to serve our Archdiocese in the ministerial priesthood. Give us priests who will lead and guide your holy people gathered by Word and Sacrament. Bless us with priestly vocations so that we can continue to be a truly Eucharistic Church, strengthened in our discipleship of Jesus Christ, your only Son. Raise up, we pray, men who are generous in their service, willing to offer their gifts for your greater glory and for the good of your people. We make our prayer in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let us also pray for all priests, nuns and religious to always walk in the light of God’s love and for their protection from evil.

After going to confession, I had a lingering feeling of disappointment in myself. At Sunday mass, receiving the cup of precious blood during communion, I noticed and said to myself, “this tastes like medicine.” Returning to my pew, kneeling in prayer, a smile came to my face as I realized, Jesus Christ… the perfect medicine.

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